International Conference on Conjoined Twins 2024

24-25 November, 2024


About the 2024 International Conference on Conjoined Twins

This conference aims to bring together global medical experts, representatives from humanitarian organizations and others interested in the topic of conjoined twins to shed light on success stories and challenges of conjoined twin separation, and to discuss potential collaboration and recommendations.  

Participants from various parts of the world, including some of the conjoined twins who were separated under the programme, will share their experiences to enhance understanding about existing challenges and opportunities in the field and foster a united front in addressing the difficulties. Moreover, the conference will celebrate the remarkable achievements of the Saudi Conjoined Twins Programme from its inception in 1990 until today. The programme is dedicated to the separation and care of conjoined twins from around the world in Saudi Arabia, and is fully supported and sponsored by the Saudi government. This programme has become a global beacon of hope and medical excellence; to date, the programme’s surgical team has evaluated 136 cases referred from 26 countries and has successfully separated 60 pairs of twins.

Through scientific sessions and discussions, experts in the field of conjoined twin separation from around the world, as well as humanitarian organizations focusing on the health and protection of children, such as UNICEF, WHO and Physicians for Peace, will exchange experiences and discuss ways to achieve better overall quality of life outcomes.  

Conference attendees and participants will include medical professionals, surgeons, researchers, policymakers, medical technology companies, universities, hospitals, conjoined twins and their families, experts in the field of conjoined twins, leading humanitarian organizations, and other relevant individuals and institutions.

As an integral part of the conference, scientific sessions and discussions, experts in the field of conjoined twin separation and humanitarian organizations will participate in scientific sessions focusing on this topic as well as the health and protection of children in general.

Main objectives of the scientific portion of the conference will include discussions in the following areas: Knowledge and Expertise, Medical Advancements, Learning and Networking, Ethical and Legal Considerations, Families and Raising Awareness, and Networking Opportunities. Medical presentations, case studies and surgical demonstrations, research and scientific poster presentations, workshops and training sessions will also be part of the scientific portion of the conference. Humanitarian aspects of twin separation will be included, include the participation of organizations such as UN organizations and INGO's with the goal of identifying ways to support conjoined and separated twins and their families and support  health care for all vulnerable children.

    • The conference will concentrate on advancing medical knowledge, promoting collaboration, addressing ethical considerations, and providing support to medical professionals and to conjoined twins and their families. The conference will highlight experiences in conjoined twin separation surgeries and the lessons learned through the following main objectives of the conference:

      1.    Knowledge and Expertise: Engage medical professionals, surgeons, and experts in the field of conjoined twin separation to exchange knowledge, experiences, and expertise with the goal of advancing the understanding and techniques involved in successful separations and postoperative care.

      2.    Medical Advancements: Showcase the latest advancements in surgical techniques, medical technologies, and innovative approaches related to conjoined twins.

      3.    Learning and Networking: Foster a supportive community for collaboration and allow medical professionals and experts to network, collaborate, and establish connections with fellow experts in the field.

      4.    Ethical and Legal Considerations: Discuss the ethical and legal aspects of separating conjoined twins.

      5.    Families and Raising Awareness: Provide support and guidance to families of conjoined twins who may be considering or have undergone separation surgeries. The conference offers a platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by these families and provides resources and information to assist them in making informed decisions.

      6.    Networking Opportunities: Provide valuable networking opportunities for attendees to connect with peers, exchange ideas, and establish professional relationships. These interactions can foster collaboration, future research endeavors, and the sharing of best practices.

  • 1.    Medical Presentations: Presentations by renowned surgeons, medical professionals and experts in the field. These presentations will cover various aspects of conjoined twin separation surgeries, including surgical techniques, preoperative planning, anesthesia considerations, and postoperative care.

    2.    Case Studies and Surgical Demonstrations: Live or recorded surgical demonstrations may be included to showcase the surgical techniques employed during the separation surgery.

    3.    Panel Discussions: Offering an interactive platform to allow medical professionals, researchers, and families to provide in-depth discussions on topics related to conjoined twins separation surgeries. Q&A sessions allow attendees to ask questions and seek expert opinions on specific aspects of the surgeries.

    4.    Research and Scientific Poster Presentations: The conference may include a dedicated section for researchers and medical professionals to present their scientific studies, research findings, and innovative approaches related to conjoined twins separation surgeries. This allows for the dissemination of new knowledge and encourages collaboration among attendees.

    5.    Workshops and Training Sessions: Hands-on workshops and training sessions may be organized to provide practical training on specific aspects of conjoined twin separation surgeries. These sessions allow attendees to learn and practice surgical techniques, use specialized equipment, and discuss challenging cases.

  • The conference will present a series of sessions and conversations among experts in the field of conjoined twins:

    1.    Ministerial Session

    2.    Scientific Sessions

    3.    Side Event: Exploring the multifaceted impact of separation on the conjoined twins and their families

    4.    Side Event: The impact of volunteer work on children around the world

    5.    Poster Sessions

    6.    Workshops 

  • 1.   Medical professional, surgeons, and experts in the field of conjoined twins

    2.   Conjoined twins and their families

    3.   Policymakers

    4.   Hospitals (hospitals with prior experience in separating conjoined twins)

    5.   Relevant medical technology companies

    6.   Universities

    7.   Organisations 

  • 1.   Translation will be available in Arabic and English.

    2.   Contact information for further enquiries: Phone: +966 920 008 554  |  Email:

On behalf of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we extend a warm welcome to all participants and attendees of the International Conference on Conjoined Twins! We are delighted to bring together this esteemed group of humanitarian figures, medical professionals, researchers, families, and individuals with conjoined twin experiences.

This conference serves as a unique platform for fostering collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advancements in the care of conjoined twins. We recognize the remarkable journey of conjoined twins throughout their lives, and this conference aims to celebrate their strength and resilience while advancing the field forward.

We are particularly proud to host this conference in Saudi Arabia, a nation with a long-standing commitment to supporting conjoined twins. The Saudi National Conjoined Twins Programme, established in 1990, has become a global leader in the field. Having performed, as of May 2024, over 60 successful separations of conjoined twins and reviewed 139 cases from 26 countries, the programme has established a remarkable history of success. The programme offers comprehensive medical care, surgical expertise, and ongoing support services for conjoined twins and their families.

Throughout the conference, we will explore the rich history and advancements of the Saudi Conjoined Twins Programme, and will also discuss the experiences of other countries that have performed separations. Our discussions will provide valuable insights into approaches on separation while also including humanitarian considerations for caring for all children with special challenges. We believe that this conference will foster a collaborative exchange of knowledge and enhance best practices on a global level.

Dr. Abdullah Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah

Advisor Royal Court, Supervisor General King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre


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